September 8, 2015September 8, 2015Uncategorized Sept. 4, 2015: Welcome Henry to the lab Welcome our new Masters student, Henry Xu, to the lab!
June 22, 2015Uncategorized June 22, 2015: Kevin received an NSERC PGS-D Congratulations to Kevin for winning an NSERC post graduate scholarship for the next 2 years!!!
June 22, 2015June 22, 2015Uncategorized June 22, 2015: Vivian received OGS again Congratulations to Vivian who has received an Ontario Graduate Scholarship for a 2nd year in a row!!!
June 6, 2015Uncategorized June 3, 2015: Congratulations to Lidan for being named a Fellow of the CSME Congratulations to Lidan for being named a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering!
May 4, 2015May 4, 2015Uncategorized May 4, 2015: Welcome to the lab new summer students!!! Welcome to the lab Tong, Jacob, David, and Miranda!!! Here’s hoping for another wonderful summer.
September 10, 2014September 26, 2014Uncategorized Sept. 10, 2014: Kevin awarded MATCH scholarship and travel award Congratulations to Kevin, who was awarded the NSERC MATCH Scholarship for the 2014-2015 year. Also Kevin has won the MATCH travel award.
August 19, 2014October 6, 2014Uncategorized Aug. 19, 2014: Vivian awarded CIHR travel grant Congratulations to Vivian, who was awarded the CIHR travel grant.
August 6, 2014August 6, 2014Uncategorized Aug. 5, 2014: Chao, Kevin, and Vivian won IBFF travel award Congratulations to Chao, Kevin, and Vivian in winning the International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop Travel Award.
June 18, 2014June 27, 2014Uncategorized June 18, 2014: Vivian received OGS award Congratulations to Vivian, who is a recipient of the 2014-2015 Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
June 2, 2014June 27, 2014Uncategorized June 2, 2014: Kevin and Vivian won SGS travel award Congratulations to Kevin and Vivian on winning the University of Toronto SGS travel award.